THS Plant Sterilization | The Happy Spider mix
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The Happy Spider

How We Sterilize Our Terrarium Plants


The following procedures can be used to sterilize plants collected from the wild and/or plants from nurseries, etc. These steps help ensure that unwanted pests, parasites, fungus, and bacteria don’t hitch a ride on plants to your next enclosure build. However, it is possible to follow all the steps of the sterilization process and still have an unwanted hitchhiker(s).


It is important to be vigilant when introducing new plants to an enclosure. This will enable you to immediately identify any issues and find appropriate solutions. It is always recommended to allow your planted terrarium, vivarium, etc. to acclimate before introducing the primary inhabitant(s).


  1. Take your newly acquired plant(s) and remove all existing substrate/soil.

  2. Remove any remaining substrate from plant roots under lukewarm water.

  3. Gently and thoroughly wash the plant under the lukewarm water.

  4. Dip plants in your desired chemical bath & follow the steps to neutralize the plant.

  5. Quarantine the washed plants for at least 2 to 4 weeks. At THS, we use clear plastic totes with secure lids for each batch of washed/sterilized plants. Each container is marked with the date of sterilization and species of plant. The containers are placed under full spectrum LED lighting. We check on the plants weekly to assess their health, watering, and fertilization (all natural) needs.



Hydrogen Peroxide Dip:

Use 3% hydrogen peroxide for your plant dipping solution


This sterilization process is effective against algae, parasites, fungus, and bacteria.


  1. Mix 2-3 ml ( ½ – ¾ teaspoon) of 3% hydrogen peroxide to one (1) gallon of water.

  2. Dip plant(s) in hydrogen peroxide solution for no longer than 5 minutes.

  3. While wearing gloves, remove plant from the solution. Thoroughly rinse dipped plant in neutralizing rinse solution prepared with a concentrated dechlorinate* at three (3) times the recommended strength.

*Seachem Prime removes and/or detoxifies the following: chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.



Bleach (Chlorine) Dip:

Use unscented household bleach for your plant dipping solution


This sterilization process is effective against algae, parasites, fungus, and bacteria.


  1. Mix unscented bleach with water at a 1:19 ratio (1 part bleach to 19 parts water).

  2. Dip plant(s) in bleach solution for no longer than 2 minutes.

  3. While wearing gloves, remove plant & rinse in neutralizing solution until it no longer smells like bleach.

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